Respuesta :


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Based on the image, the completed conversations are:

1. A: Do you have a job?

B: Yes, I am a graphic designer.

A: Oh, what do you do?

B: I am a graphic designer.

A: Where do you work?

B: I work at home.

A: Oh, wow! How do you like your job?

B: I really like it. It's a great job!

A: What time do you start work?

B: I start work at 8:00 A.M., and I finish at 3:00 P.M.

2. A: My brother got a new job.

B: Really? Where did he get the job?

A: He got a job at the Town Center Mall.

B: What is he doing there?

A: He is a security guard.

B: How does he like his job?

A: Oh, I guess he likes it.

B: What time does he work?

A: He works at 10:00 A.M., and he finishes at 6:00 P.M.

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