Miss Keila: That's good. Now, do you want to know what your other friends parent
Students: Yes, we do.
>Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence.
a.- (is/nurse/ She /a)
b.- (teacher/is/He/a)
c.- (am/student/a/I)
d.- (a/ She / housewife / is)
(farmer/is/a/father/ My)
> Read the sentences and write T or F.If is false write the corect sentence
a.- Beni's father is a doctor.
b.- Alfredo's mother is a teacher.
c.- Victor is a lawyer.

Respuesta :


a.- She is a nurse.

b.- He is a teacher.

c.- I am a student.

d.- She is a housewife.

My father is a farmer.

Now, the sentences:

a.- False. Beni's father is a farmer.

b.- True.

c.- False. Victor is a lawyer.

Otras preguntas