VI ORDER THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES. 1.write/ten/will/letters/she/ tonight/./love/ 2./dinner/you/make/?/will/ Will you make dinner? 3. Aottery/win/the/not//will/we/ Will we win the lottery. 4./will/he/pass/not/think/exam/./1/the/ 5./get/will/sleep / to/ Will I sleepto get 6./book/translate /me/will/?/the/for/you/ Will ge 7./late/home/not/come/again/1/will/./ 8./not/1/go/to/concert/will/the/ 9./are/the/you/best/,/love/forever/./1/will/you​

Respuesta :

1. She will write ten love letters tonight.

2. Will you make dinner?

3. We will not win the lottery.

4. I think he will not pass the exam.

5. Will I get to sleep?

6. Will you translate the book for me?

7. I will not come home late again.

8. I will not go to the concert.

9. You are the best, I will love you forever.


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