1 Circle the words to complete the sentences.
1. Students must/ don't have to be on time to class.
2. Don't run / Run in the house. It's dangerous.
3. You should/shouldn't join my guitar lessons. They're really fun!
4. May / Can you help me choose a new computer, please?
5. I have to / don't have to wash the dishes at home. My dad does them.
You should/shouldn't try to fix the car. You're not a mechanic.
7. We have to / must not take notes in class. Our teacher checks them.
8. Turn off / Don't turn off your phone-no phones in class!

Respuesta :

1. Students must be on time to class.
2. Don't run in the house. It's dangerous.
3. You should join my guitar lessons. They're really fun!
4. Can you help me choose a new computer, please?
5. I don't have to wash the dishes at home. My dad does them.
6. You shouldn't try to fix the car. You're not a mechanic.
7. We have to take notes in class. Our teacher checks them.
8. Turn off your phone - no phones in class!