Complete the sentences. Use the phrases above. (Pictures help you.)
1 Your hands are.
2 When Jonathan won first prize, he was.
3 When I saw that nice girl, my face went.
4 Sarah's little daughter didn't cry when she went to the doctor's.
She was
5 Mary's got beautiful eyes. They're.
6 Tom was very handsome, but he knew it.
His head was
7 I'm very thirsty. My throat's_

Rewrite the sentences as in the example.
Bill is twelve years old and Tom is twelve, too. - Tom is as old as Bill.
1 Computer Studies is difficult and Maths is difficult, too.
Maths is
2 Paris is beautiful and London is beautiful, too.
London is
3 Kim is very nice but Sally is nicer.
Kim isn't.
4 June is hot but August is hotter.
June isn't
5 Tom is intelligent but Matt is more intelligent.
Tom isn't

COMPARISONS 1Complete the sentences Use the phrases above Pictures help you1 Your hands are2 When Jonathan won first prize he was3 When I saw that nice girl my class=

Respuesta :

1. Cold
2. A Peacock
3. Red
4. Brave
5. The sky
6. an elephant
7. A bone

Next exercise

Maths is as difficult as computer studies

London is as beautiful as Paris.

Kim isn’t as nice as Kelly.

June isn’t as hot as August.

Tom isn’t intelligent as Matt.


1.- Your hands are cold

2.- When Jonathan won first prize, he was proud

3.- When I saw that nice girl, my face went red

4.- Sarah's little daughter didn't cry when she went to the doctor's. She was brave

5.- Mary's got beautiful eyes. They're blue

6.- Tom was very handsome, but he knew it.

His head was big

7.- I'm very thirsty. My throat's dry

1.- Math is as difficult as computer studies

2.- London is a beautiful as Paris

3.- Kim isn't as nice as Sally

4.- June isn't as hot as August

5.- Tom isn't as smart as Matt

Esas son mis respuestas! Espero estar bien y no haberme equivocado :')

En caso de que eso ocurra, pido perdón ;D