resolver esta guia de ingles urgente
es con primer y segundo condicional

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets to make FIRST or
SECOND conditional sentences.
a) I will tell (tell) you my secret if you promise (promise) not to tell anyone.
b) Be careful. The cat ______________ (bite) you if you ___________(touch) it.
c) If James ____________ (be) taller, he ______________ (be) a really good basketball
d) If you ______________ (meet) the president, _____________________ (you/ask) her to
do something about climate change?
e) Hurry up, Molly! If we ______________ (not leave) now, you ______________ (miss)
the train.
f) If I ______________ (know) the answer, I still ______________ (not tell) you.
g) If those students ______________ (not stop) talking now, the teacher ______________
(get) angry with the whole class.
h) Our team is the best. I ______________ (be) very surprised if we ______________ (not
2. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets using SECOND
What _________________ you _________________ (do) if you found an envelope full of
money in the street? _________________ you _________________ (take) it to the police
station? Or _________________ you _________________ (keep) it and buy yourself
something you really wanted? _________________ you _________________ (buy) your mum
and dad a present? If you _________________ (buy) them a present, they
_______________________ (want) to know where you got the money from. If you
____________________ (tell) them the truth, maybe they _________________ (not be) so
happy. And if you _________________ (not tell) them the truth, you _________________
(feel) really bad. You know what, I hope I never find an envelope full of money in the street!

igual la guia esta adjunta

Respuesta :

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets to make FIRST or SECOND conditional sentences.

a) I will tell (tell) you my secret if you promise (promise) not to tell anyone.

b) Be careful. The cat will bite (bite) you if you touch (touch) it.

c) If James were (be) taller, he would be (be) a really good basketball player.

d) If you met (meet) the president, would you ask (you/ask) her to do something about climate change?

e) Hurry up, Molly! If we don't leave (not leave) now, you will miss (miss) the train.

f) If I knew (know) the answer, I still would not tell (not tell) you.

g) If those students don't stop (not stop) talking now, the teacher will get (get) angry with the whole class.

h) Our team is the best. I would be (be) very surprised if we did not win (not win).

2. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets using SECOND CONDITIONAL.

What would you do (do) if you found an envelope full of money in the street? Would you take (take) it to the police station? Or would you keep (keep) it and buy yourself something you really wanted? Would you buy (buy) your mum and dad a present? If you bought (buy) them a present, they would want (want) to know where you got the money from. If you told (tell) them the truth, maybe they would not be (not be) so happy. And if you did not tell (not tell) them the truth, you would feel (feel) really bad. You know what, I hope I never find an envelope full of money in the street.

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