(be) a teacher. She
up) at a quarter to eight and.
work at a quarter past eight. She_
(work) in a small town in Yorkshire, England. She
(have) for breakfast a coffee and jam on toast. She
(leave) for
(not/have got) a car, so she
(get) the eight twenty five bus
(get) to work about a quarter to nine. Then, she (make) photocopies and
her email box for messages. At night o'clock, the bell rings and the teaching day starts. Georgina
from nine o'clock till half past twelve. There is a lunch break from half past twelve to one o'clock and then
she (go) to the canteen with the other teachers and (have) a cheese sandwich. School
(finish) at a quarter past three, but she _ (attend) staff meetings till half past four. After the meetings, she
(go) home. In the afternoons, she sometimes (do) shopping and. _ (meet) friends at
the cafeteria. Georgina usually.
(have) dinner at a quarter to seven. Later, at about eight o'clock she
(prepare) lessons, she loves her job, she (design) motivating activities for her students. By
that time, she is shattered and so she_ (go) to bed and she sleeps as a log until next day. In her free
time, Georgina likes going for long walks in the country with her dog, Odin.

Respuesta :


| Georgina's Daily Routine Chart | Description |


| Name | Georgina |

| Profession | teacher |

| Wake Up Time | a quarter to eight |

| Work Start Time | a quarter past eight |

| Workplace | a small town in Yorkshire, England |

| Breakfast | coffee and jam on toast |

| Commute Method | bus |

| Commute Time | eight twenty five |

| Arrival Time | a quarter to nine |

| Pre-Work Tasks | make photocopies, check email |

| Work Hours | from nine o'clock till half past twelve |

| Lunch Break | from half past twelve to one o'clock |

| Lunch | cheese sandwich |

| School Finish Time | a quarter past three |

| After School Meetings | until half past four |

| Evening Activities | shopping, meet friends at the cafeteria |

| Dinner Time | a quarter to seven |

| Work Preparation | prepare lessons, design motivating activities |

| Bed Time | when she is shattered |

| Free Time Activity | going for long walks in the country with her dog, Odin |


Does Georgina have a car? | No, she gets the bus. |

What time does Georgina's lunch break start? | Half past twelve. |

What does Georgina do after school? | She attends staff meetings until half past four. Then, she usually goes home. In the afternoons, she sometimes does shopping and meets friends at the cafeteria. |