4. Circle the correct sentence with will or going to.
a) She will/is going to the party on Saturday.
b) I don't know where to travel. Maybe I will / am going to go to Colombia.
c)We are going to / will buy a new house next year.
d) You will are going to be rich.
e) He won't / isn't going to buy a car.
He doesn't have any money-
f) Carlos and Henry are going to / will travel for work next month.

Respuesta :


Here are the correct sentences with "will" or "going to" circled:

a) She will/is going to the party on Saturday.

b) I don't know where to travel. Maybe I will/am going to go to Colombia.

c) We are going to/will buy a new house next year.

d) You will/are going to be rich.

e) He won't/isn't going to buy a car. He doesn't have any money.

f) Carlos and Henry are going to/will travel for work next month.

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