4 Answer the questions using short form:
1. Did Mr. Smith feed the fish? No, they find
2. Did you drink wine? No,.
3. Did I phone you? Yes,.
4. Did your father beat you? No,.
5. Did it cost a lot? Yes,
6. Did your mother sing? Yes,
7. Did the children cry? No,
8. Did Sheila get angry? No,
9. Did I pay for it? Yes,
10. Did the dog eat the bones? Yes,

Respuesta :


  1. Did Mr. Smith feed the fish? No, they didn't.
  2. Did you drink wine? No, I didn't.
  3. Did I phone you? Yes, I did.
  4. Did your father beat you? No, he didn't.
  5. Did it cost a lot? Yes, it did.
  6. Did your mother sing? Yes, she did.
  7. Did the children cry? No, they didn't.
  8. Did Sheila get angry? No, she didn't.
  9. Did I pay for it? Yes, I did.
  10. Did the dog eat the bones? Yes, it did.

Espero mi respuesta te ayude ^^

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