Investigar por medio de internet
5 verbos dentro del tiempo presente simple
hacer las modifica ciones dentro de la
3 persona Con los 8 pronombres


Respuesta :

1. **Verbo: To play (jugar)**

- I play → He/She/It plays

- You play → They play

2. **Verbo: To walk (caminar)**

- I walk → He/She/It walks

- You walk → They walk

3. **Verbo: To eat (comer)**

- I eat → He/She/It eats

- You eat → They eat

4. **Verbo: To study (estudiar)**

- I study → He/She/It studies

- You study → They study

5. **Verbo: To work (trabajar)**

- I work → He/She/It works

- You work → They work

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