Drag and drop the sentences to put the conversation in order.
Keyboard instructions
Use the Tab key to choose the item you want to move
Use the Enter/Space bar to select the item you want to move
Use the Tab key to move to a target
Press Enter/Space bar to drop the item you selected

Respuesta :


1. Person A: "Hey, do you know how to use this new software?"

2. Person B: "Sure, what do you need help with?"

3. Person A: "I can't figure out how to change the font size."

4. Person B: "Okay, let me show you. First, click on the text you want to change."

5. Person B: "Next, go to the toolbar at the top and look for the font size option."

6. Person B: "Once you find it, click on the drop-down menu and select the size you want."

7. Person A: "Got it, thanks for your help!"

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