
Read the story
Hello! My name is Steve. I'm ten years
old. My birthday is on the 19th of June.
I am tall and thin. I've short, brown hair
and big, brown eyes. I've a small nose. People tell me
that I have a lovely smile.
There are six people in my family. My father is an
engineer. His name is Dan. My mother is a teacher in
my school. Her name is Polly. I have two sisters, Tina
and Jean. They are twins and are seven years old, but
they don't look like twins. Tina has long brown hair.
like my mum. Jean has curly, black hair, like my dad. I
also have a younger brother called Tom. He is five
years old
In school, I enjoy maths and art. I also like PE but I
don't like
Chinese. I find Chinese difficult to
In my free time, I play football and basketball. I'm a
pretty good basketball player! I'm on the school
basketball team and I've won player of the year twice!
I also really enjoy hiking. I usually go hiking on
Sundays with my dad. I like hiking because it is good
exercise and I can enjoy the lovely scenery.

Respuesta :

Steve is a ten-year-old boy who enjoys various activities and has a close-knit family. He describes himself as tall and thin, with short brown hair and big brown eyes. People often compliment him on his lovely smile.

His family consists of six members. His father, Dan, works as an engineer, while his mother, Polly, is a teacher at Steve's school. Steve has twin sisters named Tina and Jean, who are seven years old but do not resemble each other. Tina takes after their mom with long brown hair, while Jean resembles their dad with curly black hair. Steve also has a younger brother named Tom, who is five years old.

In school, Steve's favorite subjects are maths and art. He also enjoys physical education (PE) but finds Chinese challenging to understand.

During his free time, Steve engages in sports such as football and basketball. He excels in basketball and has earned the title of player of the year twice for his school team. He also has a passion for hiking, often going on hikes with his dad on Sundays. Steve appreciates hiking for its physical benefits and the opportunity to enjoy beautiful natural scenery.