
3 Eric explains that when customers book a place to play basketball,
A it's important to send them all the information afterwards.
B the customers have to use a special computer program.
C there are sometimes problems with the computer program.

4 How does Stephanie feel about showing customers around the gym?
A concerned because she doesn't know anything about sports
B confident because she has seen the gym before
C a little worried because the place is not familiar

Respuesta :

Para la pregunta 3:

Eric explains that when customers book a place to play basketball, C there are sometimes problems with the computer program.


En el contexto dado, se menciona que Eric explica el proceso de reserva para jugar baloncesto. Si Eric menciona que a veces hay problemas con el programa de computadora, esto sugiere que no siempre funciona sin dificultades. Esto podría implicar problemas técnicos, errores en la reserva o dificultades para acceder a la información necesaria. Por lo tanto, la opción C es la respuesta más adecuada basada en la información proporcionada.

Para la pregunta 4:

Stephanie feels B confident because she has seen the gym before.


En el contexto proporcionado, Eric mentions that Stephanie was chosen for the job because she is cheerful and comfortable talking to people. This suggests that Stephanie is likely to feel confident in interacting with customers. Additionally, since she has seen the gym before, she would be familiar with its layout and facilities. This familiarity would contribute to her confidence in showing customers around, as she would know where everything is located and can effectively guide customers during the tour. Therefore, option B best describes Stephanie's likely feelings about showing customers around the gym.


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