
Hola buenas. Necesito 2 diálogos con estos tiempos verbales (inglés)

(pasado simple y presente simple) primer diálogo

(pasado perfecto y presente perfecto) segundo diálogo

por favor y muchísimas gracias ​

Respuesta :

**Diálogo 1 - Past Simple and Present Simple:**

Tom: What did you do last weekend?

Sarah: I went hiking in the mountains. How about you?

Tom: I played video games with my friends.

**Diálogo 2 - Past Perfect and Present Perfect:**

Emily: Have you ever been to Paris?

Jack: Yes, I had visited Paris two years ago. Have you been there?

Emily: No, I haven't been yet, but I plan to visit next summer.

I hope these are helpful! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.

Diálogo 1: Pasado Simple y Presente Simple

Emily: Hi, John. How was your weekend?

John: Hi, Emily. My weekend was great! I went to the beach on Saturday.

Emily: That sounds fun. Do you usually go to the beach?

John: Not really. I usually spend my weekends at home, but I wanted a change.

Emily: Did you swim in the ocean?

John: Yes, I did. The water was cold, but it was refreshing. What about you? What do you do on weekends?

Emily: I often visit my grandparents. They live in the countryside, and I enjoy the peaceful environment there.

John: That’s nice. Did you visit them last weekend?

Emily: Yes, I did. We had a lovely time together.

Diálogo 2: Pasado Perfecto y Presente Perfecto

Sarah: Have you finished reading the book I lent you?

Mike: Yes, I have. It was really interesting. By the way, had you read it before you lent it to me?

Sarah: Yes, I had. I read it last summer. I knew you would enjoy it.

Mike: I definitely did. I have read many books recently, but this one stands out.

Sarah: I'm glad to hear that. Have you started reading anything new?

Mike: Not yet. I had finished another book just before starting yours, so I needed a little break.

Sarah: I understand. I have been busy with work lately, so I haven't had much time to read.

Mike: Same here. Work has been hectic. But I always find time for a good book.

Sarah: Me too. It's a great way to relax and escape for a while.