Respuesta :


Sure! Below are the sentences completed with the appropriate words and their corresponding expressions (P for permission, PR for prohibition, and A for ability):

1. You ___can___ park here. There’s plenty of space. (P)

2. I’m afraid you ___can’t___ enter this area. It’s restricted. (PR)

3. We ___are allowed___ to leave work early on Fridays. (P)

4. You ___can___ speak three languages fluently. That’s impressive! (A)

5. Children ___aren’t allowed___ to play in this park after dark. (PR)

6. We ___can’t___ use our phones in class. (PR)

7. He ___isn’t allowed___ to drive until he gets his license. (PR)

8. You ___can___ use the library anytime during opening hours. (P)

9. She ___can___ solve complex math problems quickly. (A)

10. They ___can’t___ bring pets into the building. (PR)

In these sentences:

- **P (Permission)** means someone is permitted to do something.

- **PR (Prohibition)** means someone is not permitted to do something.

- **A (Ability)** means someone has the ability or skill to do something.

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