Respuesta :

Respuesta: The concept of an oceanic continent refers to a geographic region that is mostly submerged beneath the ocean but is still considered a part of the continent due to its geologic characteristics or its role in plate tectonics. One prominent example of an oceanic continent is Zealandia, which is a submerged continent in the southwest Pacific Ocean.

As for the limits of the oceanic continent, Zealandia is generally considered to be bounded by the following coordinates:

- North: The approximate limit is around 20 degrees south latitude, where it meets the Australian continent.

- East: It extends towards New Caledonia and the Lord Howe Rise.

- South: It reaches as far south as the Campbell Plateau and the Antipodes Islands.

- West: The western boundary is less clearly defined, but it is usually considered to be around the Indo-Australian Plate boundary.

These are general boundaries, and the exact limits of Zealandia as an oceanic continent may vary based on different definitions and criteria used by geologists and researchers.