3. Sue and Jane / sell / fruits →
4. the pupils / write / a test →
5. your little sister / cry →
Choose the correct form: have or has and since or for.
1. Emma been learning English five years.
2. My friends been living here 2003.
3. I been waiting for Danny 20 minutes.
4. Ross and Gavin been travelling around Australia six weeks.
5. Carol been exercising in the gym 2 o'clock.
Write sentences in present perfect progressive.
1. Kevin / read →
2. you / TV / watch / all day →
3. Paul / to the radio / listen / not →
4. the men / cards / play →
5. the girls / cycle / not →

Respuesta :



A. Oraciones en presente simple

* Sue and Jane sell fruits. (venden frutas)

* The pupils write a test. (escriben un examen)

* Your little sister cries. (llora)

B. Presente perfecto continuo (Have/Has Been + Verbo Ing)

* Emma has been learning English for five years. (lleva aprendiendo inglés durante cinco años)

* My friends have been living here since 2003. (viven aquí desde 2003)

* I have been waiting for Danny for 20 minutes. (llevo esperando a Danny 20 minutos)

* Ross and Gavin have been travelling around Australia for six weeks. (llevan viajando por Australia seis semanas)

* Carol has been exercising in the gym since 2 o'clock. (lleva haciendo ejercicio en el gimnasio desde las 2)

C. Oraciones en presente perfecto continuo

* Kevin has been reading. (ha estado leyendo)

* You have been watching TV all day. (has estado viendo televisión todo el día)

* Paul has not been listening to the radio. (no ha estado escuchando la radio)

* The men have been playing cards. (han estado jugando a las cartas)

* The girls have not been cycling. (no han estado en bicicleta)

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