Respuesta :

Part 1: Correct the spelling of these different types of books

1. fantasy (Corrected from "fantacee")

2. mystery (Corrected from "misterey")

3. sci-fi (Corrected from "psy-phai")

4. graphic novel (Corrected from "graffick novull")

5. classic (Corrected from "klassik")

6. travel (Corrected from "trable")

7. biography (Corrected from "biagrafey")

8. action (Corrected from "akshun")

9. history (Corrected from "histori")

10. self-help (Corrected from "celf-jelp")

Part 2: Complete the sentences using the infinitive or gerund of the words below

1. Ana loves going / to go shopping with her friends.

2. Peter hates reading books. He prefers watching TV.

3. I enjoy working out. I feel healthy and have more energy.

4. They want to visit their grandparents in Morelos next summer.

5. Ellie likes studying history. She thinks it’s interesting.

6. Jason doesn’t like practicing the piano on Saturdays.

7. Sarah prefers eating cereal for breakfast.

8. Ana enjoys sleeping late on Sundays. She usually doesn’t get up before noon.

9. My brother wants to attend college after he graduates from high school.

Part 3: Complete the sentences. Use information about your friends or family members.

1. My brother Michael likes to read sci-fi books.

2. My sister Laura loves painting landscapes.

3. My friend David hates doing homework.

4. My cousin Maria wants to travel the world.

5. My father prefers cooking Italian food.

6. My mother dislikes watching horror movies.