
Excuse me, your name is Brad Pitt,
a) arent you
b) isn't he
c; n't it
Your classmates had a really good
time at the party. ...?
a) haven't they
b) didn't they
c) weren: they
Tomorrow is Monday, so you'll be at
work, ...?
a) don! you
b) arent you
c) wan: you
I think Maria grew up in Sydney. Then
she moved to Melbourne, ...?
a) didn't she
b) doesn't she
c) sn't she
B. Sarah looked sick yesterday. She
won't be at school today....?
a) did she
b) will she
c) s she
4. Hurry, or we'll be late! Our flight
leaves at 2:45, ...?
a) won't we
b) doesn't it
c) didn't it
5. I really like your new hamster. His
name is Mr. Fuzzy Pants, ...?
a) doesn't it
b) is he
c) isn't it
6. Hey, there's a new restaurant near
our school,...?
a) isn't there
b) aren't we
c) aren't there