Respuesta :


Aquí están las respuestas completas para cada conversación utilizando las palabras en la caja y el verbo auxiliar "will":

1. Mike: I don't have a ride to the party.

Jack: I can give you a ride. I'll pick you up.

I'm sorry, but I'm stuck in traffic.

Don't worry. That will be fine.

2. Ann: Will you teach me?

Lou: No, don't wait! Go ahead and eat.

3. Helen: Will you wait for me?

John: Sure! I will wait for you.

Jeff: What time?

4. Paula: I'm sorry, but I missed the bus, so I'm running late.

Diana: I'll pick you up.

-you a lesson next weekend.

5. Maria: Oh, so many dirty dishes!

-a problem. We will wash them.

Too bad! Well, the kids are hungry now, so we will take out the trash.

Maria: You will? Thanks! And you will wash them.

Espero que estas respuestas sean de ayuda. ¡Si necesitas más asistencia, házmelo saber! ¡Estoy aquí para ayudarte!


2 will not be -wait

3 will-teach-will give

4will-get home-eat

5 will wash -take out


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