
LISTENING 118 Listen to the conversations. Circle A, B or C. Conversation 1 How does Jack feel about the Biology project? A fed up B excited C bored Conversation 2 How does Ryan see the future of food? A We'll eat pills. B C We won't eat pasta. We'll still eat normal food. Conversation 3 What does Sue think Sofia should do so that she will feel good again? A go to the gym B go dancing C lie in the sun

Respuesta :


Conversation 1:

How does Jack feel about the Biology project?

Answer: B (excited)

Conversation 2:

How does Ryan see the future of food?

Answer: C (We won’t eat pasta. We’ll still eat normal food.)

Conversation 3:

What does Sue think Sofia should do so that she will feel good again?

Answer: C (lie in the sun)