Adverbs of Frequency - Prepositions of Time: of, in, on
Adverbs of Frequency
Adverbs of frequency (always, usually, often, never, rarely, sometimes) usually come before the main verb, but
after the auxiliary verb (do, does, etc) and the verb to be. They tell us how often something happens.
I never get up early on Sundays.
He rarely goes to the zoo. (= not often)
She sometimes has a sandwich for lunch.
Do you often walk to work?
Mum is usually home by four.
He is always late for work.
Prepositions of Time: at, in, on
We use at with time and with the weekend, night and noon.
The match starts at three o'clock.
We often visit our grandparents at the weekend.
We use in with months*, seasons, years and with the expressions the morning/the evening/
the afternoon.
They go on holiday In August.
School starts in the autumn.
He was born in 1959.
He always watches TV in the evening.
We use on with days of the week*, parts of a particular day and dates.
Is the show on Saturday?
Mum always makes us a special breakfast on Sunday mornings.
She was born on Friday the 2nd of August in 1991.
*Note: We write months and days of the week with a capital letter.
Adverbs of Frequency
1 Put the words into the correct order to form
sentences, as in the example.
1 at/the morning/he/seven o'clock/in/gets up
He gets up at seven o'clock in the morning.
2 car/often/Bob/the/washes
3 born/1964/was/in/Jane
4 breakfast/1/the morning/have/rarely/in
5 leave/what/you/work/time/do/for?
6 never/bed/she/early/goes/to
2 What do you usually/never/always/often/
sometimes/rarely do on Mondays? Choose from
the list, as in the example.
get up early, clean my room, play football, go for
a walk, go to school, watch TV, play computer
games, go out with friends
I usually get up early on Mondays.

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