Imagine that you move to a province with a lot of mountains. How would you get enough food when you're kilómetros away frontera supermarket? Some cultures live entirely within the mountains, like Peru. The Inca empire of South America rules across almost all the Andes Mountains from Colombia in the North to Chile in the south. Their inventions helped them to survive and thrive in the high mountain
When you live on the top of very tall mountains, it can be very difficult to get from
one place to the other, especially when you don't have airplanes or cars. The Inca
solved this problem by building a number of roads and bridges to connect cities and
villages with one another. In just one hundred years, the Inca Empire built 22,530
kilometers of roads a distance that would stretch halfway across the entire Earth!
Many Inca roads and bridges can still be used today. In fact, the Inca had many
problems getting from mountain to mountain that they invented different kinds
of bridges. One was a suspension bridge, which uses thick cables to hold up the
walkway. The Golden Gate Bridge is an example of a modern-day suspension
bridge that uses the same design, but the Golden Gate Bridge is made out of steel
and Incan bridges were made out of just rope and wood. Of course, what's the
point of building roads when you cannot use the roads for trade and messages?
The Inca used a different type of communication than we are used to, called the
qhipu (pronounced: key-poo). You're reading the words here because reading and
writing is our communication, but the Inca recorded information by tying knots
together in precise patterns. Historians still don't totally understand how qhipu
were read, but they believe the knots functioned as a numerical system for
recording information. They were used for recording the number of people living
in a town, amount of food grown, taxes paid, and even calendar events, battles,
stories, and more.
1.- How many Inca inventions are mentioned?
2.-Mention the inventions.
3.-What were Inca bridges made of?
4.-How was the information recorded by the Inca?
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