Complete the sentences with will, won’t, might, think, or don’t think. 1 I know for sure that Fatma might come to the party; she promised she would. 2 Gabriel might be home by six o’clock. It depends how much work he has to do. 3 I Bernie will come to the movies. He’s too busy. 4 He definitely come with us on Tuesday. He only goes out on the weekends. 5 I Victor will pass his exam. He’s so smart and he’s been studying hard. 6 We go to the park for a picnic, although it depends on the weather. 7 I may visit Fernanda this evening, so I probably go to the concert after all. 8 Don’t worry, we definitely get to the restaurant on time! 9 The sky looks fairly blue. I that it’ll rain today. 10 Our project is going very well, so we it’ll be a success.

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