Algunos adverbios tienen formas irregulares. fast hard Exercise 1; Complete with the missing adverb manner and translate to Spanish. Cheetahs are quick. Cheetahs run Tortoises are slow. Tortoises walk Monkeys are very noisy. Monkeys play I can't hear you! The dog is barking The cat is quiet. It moves My family is happy. They live My brother is angry. He shouts This exercise is easy. I do it​

Respuesta :


Cheetahs run quickly.

Tortoises walk slowly.

Monkeys play noisily.

I can't hear you!

The dog is barking loudly.

The cat is quiet.

It moves quietly.

My family is happy.

They live happily.

My brother is angry.

He shouts loudly.

This exercise is easy.

I do it easily.