
1 what is the wrinter trying to do in this article? A explain why ocean pollution is a big problem B sell a new product he has created C get people to take action to solve a problem 2 The 40cean bracelet A helps an organization reduce ocean pollution. B gets money for fishermen. C is sold in 4Ocean stores in different countries. 3 andrew and alex A had a problem surfing in Bali because of the pollution. B helped some local fishermen to catch more fish. C could not convince some fishermen to take plastic from the water. 4 when 40cean sells a bracelet, the money is used to A give the cleaning teams what they need to clean the ocean. B put more trash cans on beaches. C support fishermen who can't catch enough fish. 5 One aim of 40cean is to A get $1 million from selling the bracelet. B pick up a lot of trash from the coast and out of the ocean. C sell a million bracelets by the end of the year.

Respuesta :


Based on the questions provided:

1. **What is the writer trying to do in this article?**

- C) Get people to take action to solve a problem

The article aims to raise awareness about ocean pollution and encourage readers to take action, rather than merely explaining the problem or selling a product.

2. **The 4Ocean bracelet:**

- A) Helps an organization reduce ocean pollution.

The 4Ocean bracelet is sold to fund the removal of plastic and trash from the oceans, thereby supporting efforts to reduce ocean pollution.

3. **Andrew and Alex:**

- A) Had a problem surfing in Bali because of the pollution.

Andrew and Alex encountered surfing difficulties due to pollution in Bali, as stated in the text.

4. **When 4Ocean sells a bracelet, the money is used to:**

- A) Give the cleaning teams what they need to clean the ocean.

The proceeds from selling 4Ocean bracelets are used to fund cleanup operations, providing resources to clean the oceans.

5. **One aim of 4Ocean is to:**

- B) Pick up a lot of trash from the coast and out of the ocean.

One of the primary goals of 4Ocean is to remove significant amounts of trash from coastal areas and the ocean, aligning with their mission to clean the oceans.

These answers are derived from understanding the purpose of the article and specific details provided about 4Ocean and its activities.