4. Read the following extracts and answer the questions w
A. "The forester had cunningly noted landmarks while riding ba
to Benaras and he led the trainers to the lake where the
elephant was gathering bamboo stems for his mother
evening meal."
Q1 What sort of a man was the forester? How do you know?
Q2 Why did the forester want to capture the white elephant?
Q3 How was the forester able to lead the trainers to the white
Q 4 What was the white elephant doing when the trainers
reached there?
B. 'Don't fear me, stranger,' he said. "Tell me how I can help you.'
The forester told the white elephant that he had been lost for
seven days and nights and could not find his way back to
Banaras where he lived.'
Q1 Who is the stranger?
Q2 Where had the stranger come from?
Q 3How did the elephant help the stranger?
Q4 Did the forester deserve the Elephant's kindness and help?
Why/ Why not?
C. 'Ah my son!' she said when he told her his story. 'You should
have listened to me. Human beings have always brought harm to
our race.
'Not all of them, mother' he said triumphantly. The king is noble
and generous or I should still be in captivity. Let's forget the
treachery of the forester and think only of the king's goodness!
Q1. What is the opinion of the mother about human beings?
Q2. Is the mother right in her assessment of human beings?
Q.3.What is the opinion of the white elephant about the king?

Respuesta :


Q1. The forester was a cunning and observant man, as he had noted landmarks while riding back to Benaras and was able to lead the trainers to the lake where the white elephant was.

Q2. The forester wanted to capture the white elephant for some unknown reason.

Q3. The forester was able to lead the trainers to the white elephant by noting landmarks while riding back to Benaras.

Q4. The white elephant was gathering bamboo stems for his mother's evening meal when the trainers reached there.


Q1. The stranger is the white elephant.

Q2. The stranger had come from Benaras where he lived.

Q3. The elephant helped the stranger by offering assistance and asking how he could help.

Q4. The forester did not deserve the Elephant's kindness and help, as he had been treacherous in trying to capture him. The Elephant's kindness was unwarranted in this situation.


Q1. The mother believes that human beings have always brought harm to their race.

Q2. The mother's assessment of human beings may be true to some extent, as the forester had tried to capture the white elephant.

Q3. The white elephant has a positive opinion about the king, believing him to be noble and generous for setting him free from captivity.

Espero que sea de ayuda. :)

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