Respuesta :


I believe you're referring to the episode "The Night of the Ghost" from the cartoon series "The Simpsons".

In this episode, the police officer, Chief Wiggum, is initially skeptical of the Simpsons' claims about seeing a ghost. He dismisses it as a prank or a misunderstanding.

However, as the episode progresses, Wiggum's opinion shifts slightly. He is surprised by the scientific evidence presented by Professor Frink, who verifies the existence of a ghost. Although Wiggum still seems somewhat dubious, he accepts the situation and attempts to solve the case, even resorting to using a ghost detector.

Overall, while Wiggum doesn't fully embrace the concept of ghosts, he becomes more open-minded and ultimately tries to approach the situation with a professional attitude. He doesn't dismiss the family's claims entirely, especially after the evidence presented by Professor Frink.