Respuesta :


if comes iome late one nigth

my parents tales to me about the issue

**1. If I come home late one night,**

**a. my parents will be very angry. I will get some kind of punishment.**

**b. my parents will talk to me about the issue.**

**c. my parents will not say anything.**

**2. If I say something rude to my parents,**

**a. I will feel bad, and I will say sorry immediately.**

**b. they will ask me what I was upset about.**

**c. they will punish me with no TV or computer for a week.**

**3. If I borrow something from my friend without asking,**

**a. it will not be a problem. My friend does it to me all the time!**

**b. my friend probably will not talk to me for a week!**

**c. I will put it back before they noticed.**

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