
Me pueden explicar por favor como se hace esta clase de ejercicios con present simple o present continuos

Me pueden explicar por favor como se hace esta clase de ejercicios con present simple o present continuos class=

Respuesta :


1. They normally **have** lunch at two. (have)

2. Are **you working** in Paris this week? (you work)

3. You **buy** new clothes every Saturday! (buy)

4. I **played** football at school but now I **prefer** swimming. (prefer)

5. I **have** no idea what the book is about. Can you tell me what it's about? (have)

6. John **is having** a difficult time at the university this year. (have)

7. My father **knows** everything about cars, but knows nothing about bicycles. (know)

8. The moon **goes** round the earth. (go)

9. **Are you looking** very strangely at those men at the door? - They **are looking** at us. (you see, look)

Espero que estas correcciones te ayuden a completar las oraciones de forma correcta.

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