Redactar 8 oraciones comparando rutinas cotidianas con acciones en progreso utilizar los tiempos verbales presente simple y presente continuo y sus respectivas expresiones de tiempo​

Respuesta :



Presente simple: She always drinks coffee in the morning.

Presente continuo: She is drinking coffee right now.

Presente simple: He usually goes to the gym every evening.

Presente continuo: He is going to the gym this evening.

Presente simple: We study English every day.

Presente continuo: We are studying English at the moment.

Presente simple: They often eat dinner at 7 PM.

Presente continuo: They are eating dinner right now.

Presente simple: She takes the bus to work every morning.

Presente continuo: She is taking the bus this morning.

Presente simple: He reads the newspaper every weekend.

Presente continuo: He is reading the newspaper right now.

Presente simple: We walk the dog in the park every afternoon.

Presente continuo: We are walking the dog in the park right now.

Presente simple: They watch TV every night.

Presente continuo: They are watching TV at the moment.

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