Complete the sentences with he, she or it and the correct form of to be. 1 Sushi: It isn't from Germany. It's from Japan. 2 Queen Elizabeth: Is she British? Yes, she is. 3 Madonna: Italian. American. 4 Lionel Messi: Brazilian? No, from Argentina. 5 Sony: Chinese. Japanese. 6 Champagne: from France? Yes,

Respuesta :

1. Sushi: It isn’t from Germany. It’s from Japan.
2. Queen Elizabeth: Is she British? Yes, she is.
3. Madonna: She isn't Italian. She is American.
4. Lionel Messi: Is he Brazilian? No, he is from Argentina.
5. Sony: It isn't Chinese. It is Japanese.
6. Champagne: Is it from France? Yes, it is.

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