2. There aren't any windows in the bedroom. It is enoughdark
a. much
c. too
3. My house isn't too enough for my family
a. big enough
too enough c. enough big
Omuch expensive
4. I love this house, but it is much expensive
a. enough expensive
b. too expensive
5. This coffee is good, but it has only one problem, it is too bitter
a. sweet enough.
b. too much sweet too bitter.
D. Complete the conversation with the correct verb form. (5pts. 1 each).
A: Hey Mike, you eat) lobate
M: No, I
A: Really? What
M: I
to prepare it.
but I
(eat) lobster in your life?
(eat) other shellfish in many occasions.
(like) most?
(have) Paella many times for lunch. My grandma is from Madrid so she knows how
A. That's great, I
(try) that dish a month ago, I think, I really enjoyed it.
E. Express the statements of discontent, using the expression the verb Wish

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