Daily routine as a student
Hi, my name is Sarah and I'm a student. I
have a daily routine that I follow. In the
morning, I wake up early around 7 AM. I get
dressed for school, brush my teeth, and
eat a healthy breakfast, usually oatmeal or
eggs. After that, I grab my backpack and
head to school. My classes start at 8:30
AM. I attend classes like math, science,
English, and history throughout the day
until 3 PM. During my lunch break, I eat the
packed lunch my mom makes for me and
spend time with my friends. After school
ends, I come straight home. I spend a
couple hours doing my homework
assignments for the next day. Around 6
PM, I eat dinner with my family. We talk
about our days. After dinner, I may read
books, watch TV shows, or just relax before
getting ready for bed around 10 PM. Then I
start my routine again the next morning.
Learn English everyday
como se lee​

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