Ayúdenme por favor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1.Order to make sentences.( have told me. would if remembered I you’d)
a) I would have remembered if you’d told me.
b) I would had remembered if you’d told me.
c) I would have rememberd if you’d told me.
d) I woulld have remembered if you’d told me.

2. Order to make sentences.( would had have revised more, passed the exam. she If she)
a) If she has revised more, she would had passed the exam.
b) If she had revised more, she would had passed the exam.
c) If she had revised more, she would have passed the exam.
d) If she has revised more, she would have passed the exam.
3. Order to make sentences.(the train If we have hadn’t missed we would arrived on time).
a) If we had missed the train, we would have arrived on time.
b) If we hadn't missed the train, we would have arrived on time.
c) If we hadn't missed the train, we would has arrived on time.
d) If we hadn't missed the train, we would have arrive on time.

Respuesta :


1. The correct sentence is:

a) I would have remembered if you’d told me.

2. The correct sentence is:

c) If she had revised more, she would have passed the exam.

3. The correct sentence is:

b) If we hadn't missed the train, we would have arrived on time.

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