I didn’t see the movie because…
got angry because…
I bought a new computer because…
I couldn’t do my homework because…
My mobile didn’t work because…
I opened the door because…
I argued with my best friend because…
I couldn’t go to the dentist because…
I couldn’t eat that piece of meat because…
I didn’t recognise you because…
responde en past perfect

Respuesta :



1. I didn't see the movie because **I had already watched it**.

2. I got angry because **they had lied to me**.

3. I bought a new computer because **my old one had broken**.

4. I couldn’t do my homework because **I had lost my textbook**.

5. My mobile didn't work because **I had forgotten to charge it**.

6. I opened the door because **someone had knocked loudly**.

7. I argued with my best friend because **she had insulted me**.

8. I couldn't go to the dentist because **I had developed a toothache**.

9. I couldn't eat that piece of meat because **I had become a vegetarian**.

10. I didn't recognize you because **we hadn't met in many years**.


lo que esta en ** son las respuestas que tenes que completar en los espacios vacíos

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