Resuelva las siguientes oraciones formando el comparativo y superlativo

1. This computer is (new)_______tan your computer
2. Lisa is (old)____than George
3. George is (young)____than Lisa
4. Lucy is (young)____in the class
5. Your car is (fast)____than this car
6. This house is (big)___than my house
7. This house is (big)___in the neighborhood
8. William Shakespeare is (famous)___writer in England
9. Sergio is (old)___than Malcolm
10. Our house is (old)___in the neighborhood
11. That book is (interesting)___than the newspaper
12. This cake is (delicious)____than that one
13. This is (bad)___program in televisión history
14. That picture is (clear)___than this one


Respuesta :




1.- This computer is newer than your computer.

2.- Lisa is older than George.

3.- George is younger than Lisa.

4.- Lucy is the youngest in the class.

5.- Your car is faster than this car.

6.- This house is bigger than my house.

7.- This house is the biggest in the neighborhood.

8.- William Shakespeare is the most famous writer in England.

9.- Sergio is older than Malcolm.

10.- Our house is the oldest in the neighborhood.

11.- That book is more interesting than the newspaper.

12.- This cake is more delicious than that one.

13.- This is the worst program in television history.

14.- That picture is clearer than this one.

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