6) Put the verbs in the PRESENT SIMPLE/PRESENT CONTINUOUS (Poner los verbos en
Presente Simple o Presente continuo). Pista: para cada par de oraciones similares, hay una en
presente simple y otra en continuo.
A) a: What ___________ (you/cook)?
b: Pasta, for dinner.
B) a: What __________(you/usually/cook)?
b: I cook Italian food most of the time.
C) a: Where __________ (you/live)?
b: In a small town near the mountains.
D) a: Where ___________ (you/live) now?
b: I’m staying with my parents while I look for a new apartment.
E) a: _____________ (she/work) at the hospital?
b: Yes, she’s a nurse there.
F) a: _______________ (she/work) tonight?
b: No, she has the day off.
G) a: What ____________ (he/study) in History at university?
b: This term? American History I believe.
H) a: What _____________ (he/study) in his free time?
b: Languages, like Spanish and French.

Respuesta :



Aquí están las respuestas con los verbos en Presente Simple o Presente Continuo:


a: What **are you cooking**?

b: Pasta, for dinner.


a: What **do you usually cook**?

b: I cook Italian food most of the time.


a: Where **do you live**?

b: In a small town near the mountains.


a: Where **are you living** now?

b: I’m staying with my parents while I look for a new apartment.


a: **Does she work** at the hospital?

b: Yes, she’s a nurse there.


a: **Is she working** tonight?

b: No, she has the day off.


a: What **is he studying** in History at university?

b: This term? American History I believe.


a: What **does he study** in his free time?

b: Languages, like Spanish and French.

Otras preguntas