
Correet the mistakes:
1. I doesn't play computer games.
2 Does they train in this sports club?
3. Do he play football today?
4. Does she help you yesterday?
5. The boys doesn't swim well.
6. She didn't jog today.
7. Bill don't buy books yesterday
8. I doesn't often wear jeans
9. Do you clean your room yesterday?
10. They doesn't arrive in time.
11. Tom don't know grammar rules.
12. Do he forget his books at home?
13. We doesn't laugh at these jokes
14. They don't repeat the words yesterday

Respuesta :


1. I don't play computer games.

2. Do they train in this sports club?

3. Does he play football today?

4. Did he help you yesterday?

5. The boys don't swim well.

6. She doesn't jog today.

7. Bill didn't buy books yesterday.

8. I don't often wear jeans.

9. Did you clean your room yesterday?

10. They don't arrive in time.

11. Tom doesn't know grammar rules.

12. Does he forget his books at home?

13. We don't laugh at these jokes.

14. They didn't repeat the words yesterday.


→ Does y doesn't se usa para los probombres he, she y it. (oraciones en PRESENTE)

→ Do y don't se usa para los pronombres I, you, we y they. (oraciones en PRESENTE)

→ Did y didn't se usan para todos los pronombres PERO para oraciones en PASADO. Podemos saber si una oración está en pasado si contienen palabras y expresiones como "yesterday" (ayer).

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