LEE LOS USOS DE LOS PRESENTES Y DESARROLLA LOS EJERCICIOS ABAJO COMPLETA Y TRADUCE LAS FRASES, COMO EN EL EJEMPLO. Exaple: 1. A: Can I borrow your calculator? ¿Me puedes prestrar tu calculadora? B: Sorry, but I am still using it (still / use) it. Lo siento, pero todavía la estoy usando. A: Ok, it doesn't matter (not matter). I'll ask for it to John. Bien, no importa. Se la pediré a John. 2. See you in the morning. I (leave) in a minute. Translate: 3. I (never / wear) a tie to work and I (refuse) to start now! Translate: 4. If you drop it, it will explode! What Translate: (you/do)? 5. You are a great cook! This cake Translate: (taste) wonderfully. 6. Excuse me, but (this bus/stop) outside the Post Office? Translate: (still / not find) a job. 7. Henry Translate: 8. I Translate: 9. How long. (look) really annoyed! Translate: (drive)! You can sit in the back with Martin. 10. Ugh, don't show me that picture! I Translate: 11. Joan Tran Translate : slate: 12. I've finished my exams so I Translate: 13. Stop doing that! You Translate: (you / wait) for the bus? You (can't stand) spiders! (seldom / sit) next to Eve. (lie) on the beach the rest of the summer. (be) very silly today, Paul! ​

Respuesta :


hola disculpa nesecito puntos y respondo cosas al azar perdón


no te entiendo nada dime mejor eso por que se ve enredado

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