B. Make the Past Perfect.
11) The grass was yellow because it
(not rain) all summer.
12) The lights went off because we
electricity bill.
13) The children
14. They
(not / pay) the
(not / do)
(not /
their homework, so they were in trouble.
eat) so we went to a restaurant.
15) We couldn't go into the concert
because we
our tickets.
16) She said that she
(not visit) the UK before.
17) Julie and Anne
(not meet) before the party.
18) I
(not /
have) breakfast when he arrived.
19) He
(not /
use) email before, so I showed him how to
USG it.
20) You
(not /
study) for the test, so you were very

Respuesta :


11) The grass was yellow because it had not rained all summer.

12) The lights went off because we had not paid the electricity bill.

13) The children had not paid their homework, so they were in trouble.

14) They had not eaten so we went to a restaurant.

15) We couldn't go into the concert because we had not brought our tickets

16) She said that she had not visited the UK before.

17) Julie and Anne had not met before the party.

18) I had not had breakfast when he arrived.

19) He had not used email before, so I showed him how to use it.

20) You had not studied for the test, so you were very DACKINS. (The last word seems to be a typo or unclear, please provide the correct word for a more accurate translation.)




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