Respuesta :


No sé si te refieres a electrodomésticos en general o exactamente que diga "home appliance", así que te dejo los dos:

1. There is a refrigerator in the kitchen.

2. There are two televisions in the living room.

3. There is a microwave oven on the countertop.

4. There are five light bulbs in the ceiling fixture.

5. There is a dishwasher next to the sink.


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1. There are various home appliances in the kitchen, including a stove and a dishwasher.

2. There is a home appliance repair shop down the street where you can get your appliances fixed.

3. There are many home appliances on sale at the store this weekend.

4. There is a need for regular maintenance to keep home appliances running smoothly.

5. There are different types of home appliances available, ranging from small gadgets to large machines.