
Do/Does / don't / doesn't
Andua (RunSoulu Do/ Does/ don't/ doesn't
1. _______ you love me?
Yes, I
2. he go fishing?
No, he
3. Kate call to him?
Yes, she
__ we go shopping?
Yes, we
5. Max drive a car?
No, he
6. they play games?
7........ John and Mark cook? Yes, they
No, they_
8. he eat steak?
Yes, he
you walk to school? No, I ____
Pim and Jam like dogs? Yes, they

Respuesta :


1. Do you love me?

Yes, I do

2. Does he go fishing?

No, he doesn't

3. Does Kate call to him?

Yes, she does

4. Do we go shopping?

Yes, we do

5. Does Max drive a car?

No, he doesn't

6. Do they play video games?

Yes, they do / No, they don't (no entiendo el orden)

7. Do Jhon and Mark cook?

No, they don't / Yes, they do (no entiendo el orden)

8. Does he eat steak?

Yes, he does

9. Do you walk to school?

No, I don't

10. Do Pim and Jam like dogs?

Yes, they do


Do / don't para: I, you, we, they

Does/ doesn't para: He, she, it