1. Complete the sentences using the second conditional.

1. If we (have) a yacht, we (sail) the seven seas.

2. She (spend) a year in the USA if it (be) easier to get a Passport.

3. If he (have) more time, he (learn) karate

4. We (help) you if we (know) how.

5. If they

(tell) their father, he


(be) very angry. (help) people in the world. 6. If I (have) superpowers, I



7. My brotherous (buy) a sports car if he would have (have) money.

8. If I (be) you, I (get) a new job.

ديا النمسا و (go) to the cinema with you if I (feel) better.

10. If she (not/be) always so late, she (be) promoted.