
1. Present Tenses. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.
1. Oh, no! I overslept! The exam starts has started in half
an hour!
2. A new high school is being built / is built here this year.
3. She has been teaching is teaching here for 20 years.
4. Some American schools are named have named after
US presidents.
5. There are so many people! How long have you stood
have you been standing in the queue?
6. I usually prefer the library, but today I study/em studying
in a café.
7. The teacher has not finished has not been finishing
marking the projects yet.
6. I am still working on still work on the maths homework.
9. Chalkboards are not being used/have not been used in
this school since 2014.
10. How many texts do you send are you sending every day?