At a Café
"Cafe" is a French word we use in English.
It is pronounced with two syllables, and the
a is pronounced as the "a" in cat.
Listen to the recording
Exercise 1. Listen to the following conversation
and answer these questions.
a. Does the customer order a cheeseburger
or a double hamburger?
b. What kind of cake does the customer order?
Exercise 2. Pair work. Practice this conversation:
Water/waitress: Next, please!
What would you like?
Andy: Can I have a pizza, please?
Waiter/waitress: What pizza would
you like?
Andy: A Margarita pizza, please.
Waiter/waitress: Anything else?
Andy: Yeah, I'd like some chocolate cake.
Waiter/waitress: Would you like a drink?
Andy: Yes, can I have a coke, please?
Waiter/waitress: OK, so that's a Margarita
pizza, a chocolate cake and a coke?
What's your table number?
Andy: Table 53. How much is that?
Warter/waitress: That's [tex]$10 (dollars), please. Andy: Here you are. Exercise 3. Pair work. With this menu, practice a conversation in a café. Student A: Waiter/waitress Student B: Customer Food Men c. Is she going to order a drink? Tip English uses 57M Pune Sundwic 820 Cheese San 12.00 Rocos Sunde $[/tex]246
d. What is the table number of the customer?
"Good night" only
Founted Sandwich.
to say goodbye!
Customer: phrases
to order in a café or restaurant
• Start with a greeting:
"Hi/Hello, Good morning/Good evening."
• To order, you can use sentences like:
"Can I have...please? I'd like... please".
Waiter/Waitress: phrases
to take an order in a café
. What would you like to order?
• Anything else?
. Would you
like a drink?
• Thank you.