Respuesta :


Explicación paso a paso:

First part: 86 × 59 × 74 × 96

86 × 59 = 5094

5094 × 74 = 377736

377736 × 96 = 36435056

Second part: (216) × (10)7 × (14)³ xa8

(216) = 216 (no need to evaluate, it's already a number)

(10)7 = 10^7 = 10000000

(14)³ = 14 × 14 × 14 = 2744

xa8 is not a valid mathematical operation, it seems to be a typo or a mistake. Assuming it's supposed to be ×, then it's not necessary to evaluate it as it's already a number.

Combining the two parts:

36435056 × 216 × 10000000 × 2744


36435056 × 216 = 7839211816

7839211816 × 10000000 = 78392118160000

78392118160000 × 2744 = 215451281232640000

Final answer:

The final answer is: