(4) Write the opposites of the following adjectives. Remember, the opposite of
an adjective
is always an adjective.
(a) alive.......dead..............
(b) blunt...
(i) generous
(i) healthy.... unhealthy.
(c) brave...
(k) light
(d) bright...
(1) modern
(e) careless
(m) noisy..
(f) different
(n) stale....
(g) exciting.
(o) weak
(h) expensive
(p) wise​

Respuesta :


Explicación paso a paso:

(a) alive.......dead.............. (opposite: deceased)

(b) blunt... (opposite: sharp)

(c) generous (opposite: stingy)

(d) healthy.... unhealthy. (opposite: ill)

(e) careless (opposite: careful)

(f) different (opposite: similar)

(g) exciting. (opposite: dull)

(h) weak (opposite: strong)

(i) noisy.. (opposite: quiet)

(j) modern (opposite: outdated)

(k) light (opposite: heavy)

(l) bright... (opposite: dim)

(m) stale.... (opposite: fresh)

(n) expensive (opposite: inexpensive)

(p) wise (opposite: foolish)