
A- Read the text and fill in the identity cards.

Hello! My name is Catarina Melo and I'm eleven years old.
I'm from Portugal, but now I live in Toronto with my
family. My favourite colour is red and my favourite
number is ten. I'm a student at Fairbank School. In my
school there are children from different countries. My
best friend is Arturo Cali and he is twelve years old. He
isn't from Italy like his parents. He is Canadian. His
favourite colour is green and his favourite number is four.

B- Read the text and fill in the identity cards.

1. How old is Arturo?
4. What's his favourite colour?
2. What's his surname?
5. What's his favourite number?
3. Is he from Italy?
6. Are his parents Italian?

(Ayuda, todo el curso depende de ustedes ✌️)

Respuesta :


1. Arturo is twelve years old.

2. His surname is Cali.

3. No, he isn't from Italy.

4. His favourite colour is green.

5. His favourite number is four.

6. Yes, his parents are Italian.