My daughters always leave their bedroom
lights on. They also spend a lot of time each
day styling their hair with a dryer and a flat
iron. What should I suggest that they do?

Respuesta :




It sounds like you’re looking to address two separate issues: energy usage and hair styling routines. Here are some suggestions you could offer your daughters to help manage both:

### 1. **Managing Bedroom Lights**

- **Turn Off Lights When Not in Use**: Encourage them to get into the habit of turning off their bedroom lights whenever they leave the room. You could place a reminder near the door or use a "turn off the lights" checklist.

- **Use Energy-Efficient Bulbs**: Suggest switching to LED bulbs, which use less energy and have a longer lifespan.

- **Install Motion Sensors**: If feasible, consider installing motion-sensor lights that automatically turn off when no one is in the room.

### 2. **Managing Hair Styling Energy Use**

- **Use Energy-Efficient Tools**: Look for hair dryers and flat irons that are designed to be more energy-efficient.

- **Limit Usage**: Encourage them to style their hair more efficiently, perhaps by reducing the frequency of use or using heat styling tools on lower settings when possible.

- **Air-Drying Alternatives**: Suggest air-drying their hair whenever they can, or using heat styling tools less frequently.

- **Multi-tasking**: Advise them to style their hair in a way that requires less heat, or to multitask while using these tools to save time and energy (e.g., styling their hair while getting ready for other activities).

By adopting these practices, they can contribute to both energy conservation and a more efficient routine.
